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Blog Are you a Great Investor?

Are you a Great Investor?


Many people have preconceived ideas about investing.  Their images of an investor usually come from what has been seen on Television.

They imagine Wall Street or similar movies and see investing as high-pressure watching screens and tickers all day and making instant make-or-break decisions.

Thank goodness the life of an investor is much simpler than that.


What is an Investor?

My definition of an investor is someone who invests their time and money into making more money.

There are only 4 categories in which money can be made – business, property, digital and commodities.

If you own a business, have some shares, own a property or two, or have some gold or silver coins, then you are an investor.


Wealthiest People in the World

The wealthiest people in the world start their life as an investor building a business.  Bernard Arnault built LVMH and is as I write this the wealthiest person.  Elon Musk’s business is Tesla and Jeff Bezos created Amazon.

Once they have built a business, the wealthiest people keep building or acquiring more business and then invest in shares (digital assets), property and commodities.

A business is one of the biggest investments anyone will ever make.


Start Building Your Wealth

Business is an income-generating asset.  It is the backbone for making money to invest in other types of investments.

It’s one of the reasons the first thing we cover in Zero to Millionaire, Building the Foundation is how to create cash-rich businesses right from the start. 

Get the business right and you have money for other investments.

Get the business right and you have money for life.

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Comparison of Memberships available

Join a Membership Today

Membership Groups offer the best way to learn and grow wealth, income and lifestyle.

There are 3 levels to choose from upgrading is easy.

Online Entrepreneur Membership - is for those wanting to set up an online business and takes the member through creating a website; setting up SEO; content creation and social media marketing. Groups meet on the 1st Tuesday monthly.

Zero to Millionaire Membership - provides access to everything in the Online Entrepreneur Membership plus it goes through how to build a wealth foundation in property; shares; cryptocurrency; gold and silver.  Groups meet on the 1st Monday monthly.

KNI Mastermind Membership - provides access to everything in the Online Entrepreneur and Zero to Millionaire Memberships plus it provides advanced investing strategies and strategic investing.  Groups meet on the 1st Wednesday monthly.

There are added bonuses such as Market News & Strategies and Joint Venture Opportunities.

You owe it to yourself and your family to build wealth, income and lifestyle starting today

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