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Blog Build a Cash Rich Online Business

Build a Cash Rich Online Business


Did you realize there are hundreds of different ways to build an online business?  Building a cash rich online business is about defining a specific type of business model that works for you and then creating the right systems so the money starts pouring in.

Over 100 Business Models

Having been in business as an entrepreneur for 30 years and moving to online models 20 years ago, there is no one way to make money online.

Learning about online businesses, I soon learnt that there are over 100 online business models.  

The key to building online success is to identify which ones works for you and the type of person you are.

For example, if you are a natural blogger and content creator there are business models that suits you.  If you are good at recommending products and services there is another business model that is best for recommendations.

Only when you identify the online business model that fits alongside who you are and what you do, will you achieve online success.

5 Business Models Anyone Can Use and be Successful Online

Having attended many workshops and bought even more online courses and still failed to make any money. I started studying why online worked for some people and not others.

I soon discovered, that the biggest failure with online businesses is not understanding the different types of online models and confusing different systems that simply were never designed to work together.

Creating one system, proving it worked I generated sales of over $30k a month.  Once that system was perfected, I then started  working on a different system and also created sales of over $30k.

The key to online success is working on one system at a time.

Over the past 20 years of having online businesses, I culled everything down to 5 different cash rich business models that worked in generating regular monthly income and continue to bring in sales every day.

The 5 different models are

1. PLR Licensing - where you get other people to create products for you. Or, you can create products for others to use.

2. Information Products - a system of creating mini courses.

3. Affiliate Marketing - selling other people's products and services

4. One to Many - delivering coaching courses to large numbers of participants

5. The Expert - a coaching sales funnel moving clients through a pre-determined pathway.

Not only are these 5 stand alone business models but they can also be integrated for even better results.

Unique Course

When I first started teaching how to create online businesses, I wrote a book and then held seminar.  I wrote another book and held another seminar.  All separate courses for building an online business.

Now, for the first time, this unique course will take you through a process of starting an online business, content creation (don't worry if you aren't a writer we show you how to get the perfect content for your product) to automating your business which brings in money on a regular basis.  We even cover the marketing so you get the best results and quickly.


You cannot afford not to have an online business.  Not just any business but one that continues to grow and produce the type of income you can only dream about.

Course Content

The course is a combination of self-learning supported with 6 weekly webinars to ensure you have time to learn and put into practice what you are learning so by the end of the 6 week course you have a cash rich online business up and running starting to earn you regular income.

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Comparison of Memberships available

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Membership Groups offer the best way to learn and grow wealth, income and lifestyle.

There are 3 levels to choose from upgrading is easy.

Online Entrepreneur Membership - is for those wanting to set up an online business and takes the member through creating a website; setting up SEO; content creation and social media marketing. Groups meet on the 1st Tuesday monthly.

Zero to Millionaire Membership - provides access to everything in the Online Entrepreneur Membership plus it goes through how to build a wealth foundation in property; shares; cryptocurrency; gold and silver.  Groups meet on the 1st Monday monthly.

KNI Mastermind Membership - provides access to everything in the Online Entrepreneur and Zero to Millionaire Memberships plus it provides advanced investing strategies and strategic investing.  Groups meet on the 1st Wednesday monthly.

There are added bonuses such as Market News & Strategies and Joint Venture Opportunities.

You owe it to yourself and your family to build wealth, income and lifestyle starting today

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